Tech and Software

Virtual Beings for Technology and Software

Unleash the full potential of your technology or software solution through the most intuitive and timeless user interface available – human conversation. Our AI platform simplifies the process, empowering you to bring your innovation to life effortlessly.

Why Virtual Beings?

To unlock the power of the ultimate user interface.

Even the most remarkable technologies and software products can fall short when it comes to delivering exceptional user experiences. Enter Virtual Beings, offering a seamless and natural conversation that understands, guides, and supports customers effortlessly. With their versatility spanning various use cases, Virtual Beings have the potential to elevate engagement, streamline user journeys, and even enhance conversion rates


Captivating Experiences that Users Crave

Traditional chatbots and self-service tools often fall short of delivering value to both customers and brands. In contrast, Virtual Beings take the lead in guiding individuals through engaging, interactive, and even immersive brand experiences that leave a lasting impact.


Unite the Power of Voice and Visuals Seamlessly

Catering to the diverse preferences of your users, our Virtual Beings seamlessly combines the best of voice and visuals. Whether they prefer speaking or typing, and whether they thrive through engaging discussions, captivating videos, or compelling imagery, our interface delivers the right information right when they need it.


Simplify the User Journey

With Virtual Beings as your trusted guide, complexity becomes a thing of the past. They effortlessly navigate and enlighten customers throughout their journey, gathering valuable feedback and providing answers every step of the way

More Industries

Where Else Do Our Digital Humans Work?


Real-time, personal, and interactive experiences define the future of entertainment. Today, Virtual Beings empower brands in the realms of media and streaming platforms, influencers, gaming metaverse, and Web 3.0 companies to deliver precisely that.

Explore solution for Entertainment

HR and Recruitment

From screening job interviews to continuous human resources support, offer a friendly face and a dedicated space for employees to seek answers to their crucial questions. With availability 24/7 and proficiency in over 70 languages, ensure that your workforce feels supported and valued.

Explore solution for HR and Recruitment


In today’s digital world, it’s crucial to establish supportive and accessible connections with patients. Whether it involves enhancing telehealth experiences, promoting patient health literacy, or alleviating the workload of front-line staff, there are countless use cases awaiting exploration.

Explore solution for Healthcare

Retail and CPG

Inform, guide, entertain, and convert effortlessly.
AI-powered Avatars possess the extraordinary capability to achieve all these objectives simultaneously.

Explore solution for Retail and CPG

Telco and Cable

Discover the new era of customer experience, driven by AI. With a seamless blend of simplicity, effectiveness, and digital innovation, we redefine the way customers connect with your brand

Explore solution for Telco and Cable

Banking and Finance

Finance can be a complicated turf for many to navigate on their own. Virtual Beings can simplify the complexity through conversation, increasing conversions along the way.

Explore solution for Banking and Finance

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